L'écosystème Blockchain de la région neuchâteloise

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In a nutshell

P&TS’ mission is to protect innovations with a full range of intellectual property services. P&TS has assembled an outstanding international team of engineers, physicists, patent attorneys and lawyers specialised in technology and intellectual property law. P&TS is one of the leading law firms in Switzerland, particularly in the field of software protection and law. Numerous patents have been filed on blockchain, fintech and legaltech solutions. P&TS also implements blockchain-based solutions for copyright protection.

Field of expertise

#Patent, design and trademark counseling #Intellectual property litigation #Patent search and technology watch #IP due diligence #Technology transfer #Intellectual property contracts #Software protection #Software protection, especially in the field of telecommunication, AI, blockchain #Protecting inventions in other technological fields #Software law #Telecommunication law #RGPD


  • Christophe Saam, CEO
  • 30 employees in Neuchâtel, including 14 patent attorneys, technology lawyers and lawyers.


Head office

Neuchâtel, Avenue J.J. Rousseau 4

Year of creation: 1998